Turkey Get Up Team Competition

Crossfit Gym in Evansville, IN

Turkey Get Up

Get your Teams together! Wods are posted below.

Turkey Get Up
Turkey Get Up


Nov 9


Nov 9



8:30 am



301 N. Stockwell Rd. Evansville, IN 47715





2 Male and 2 Female Teams

November 9, 2024

Includes: 3 WODs, Floater, and Final for top 3 teams.

Judges, Volunteer, Athlete Check-In: 7:30am-8:00am

Judges and Athlete Briefing - 8:00am

Competition starts at 8:30am

Register Here!


WOD #1:

For Time:

MF Pair 1 - 2 Rounds:

60 Double Unders

20 Thrusters @95/65


MF Pair 2 - 2 Rounds:

20 Overhead Squats @95/65

60 Double Unders

Then, MMFF as a Team - 1 Round:

120 Double Unders

20 Wall Walks

NOTES: Score Time. Athletes will divide into male/female pairs with pair 1 completing 2 rounds of Doubles and Thrusters, pair 2 completing 2 rounds of OHS and Doubles, and the full team completing 1 round of Doubles and Wall Walks. One athlete will work at a time while the other partner rests and athletes can trade out at any time with the non-working partner. A Tie Break time will be recorded after Pair 1 finishes their couplet. 

Double Under: CrossFit Open Standards

Overhead Squats: Athletes will place the bar overhead in a snatch grip with the bar directly over the middle of the body and descend below parallel until the hip crease is clearly below the knee. The athlete will then stand to full extension with hips and knees fully extended, and head and shoulders in line vertically over the hips. 

Thruster: Athletes can perform a squat clean into the thruster or perform a power clean into the thruster. The athlete must pass below parallel in the squat and the rep will be credited when the athlete reaches full lockout with the barbell overhead. 

Wall Walks: Every rep begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with their chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground. At the start and finish of each rep, both hands must touch the first tape line (fingers touching is OK). Both hands must remain on the tape until both feet are on the wall. At the top of the movement, both hands must touch the tape line for the 10-inch mark before the athlete can descend. Any part of the hand may touch the tape line. On the descent, the feet must remain on the wall until both hands are touching the first line. The rep is credited when the athlete returns to the starting position, with both hands touching the first line and their chest, thighs, and feet touching the ground. Any part of the hand may make contact with the tape line. 

WOD #2:

For Total Time:

Part A: FF Pair 1:

30 Deadlifts @125

21 Pull-ups + Dead Hang 

24 Deadlifts 

15 Pull-ups + Dead Hang 

18 Deadlifts

12 Pull-ups + Dead Hang 

12 Deadlifts 

9 Pull-ups + Dead Hang 

6 Deadlifts

6 Pull-ups + Dead Hang 


Part B: MM Pair 2:

36 Deadlifts @185

27 Toes to Bar + Dead Hang 

30 Deadlifts

21 Toes to Bar + Dead Hang 

24 Deadlifts

15 Toes to Bar + Dead Hang 

NOTES: Score Time. Athletes will divide into Female/Female pairs with pair 1 completing Deadlifts and Pull-ups + Dead Hang, and Male/Male pair 2 completing Deadlifts and Toes to Bar + Dead Hang. One athlete will work at a time while the other partner rests and athletes can trade out at any time with the non-working partner. A Tie Break time will be recorded after FF Pair 1 finishes their couplet. 

Deadlift: One partner working on the deadlift bar at a time. Partners may switch out at any time and may divide the reps anyway. Each rep starts on the ground with hands just outside the knees (sumo deadlifts are not allowed). Arms must be straight throughout, no bouncing or picking the barbell up on the bounce prior to it settling to the floor. The rep will be credited when the hips and knees reach full extension with the head and shoulders behind the bar. 

Pull-ups + Dead Hang Hold: Each rep starts with both athletes in a dead hang position on the bar with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. One partner will perform pull-ups while the other partner continues to hold the dead hang position. The rep will be credited when one athlete's chin breaks the horizontal plane of the top of the pull-up bar and the other athlete is holding the dead hang position. Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the requirements are met. 

Toes to Bar + Dead Hang Hold: Each rep starts with both athletes in a dead hang position on the bar with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. One partner will perform Toes to Bar while the other partner continues to hold the dead hang position. The rep is credited when both of the athlete’s feet come into contact with the bar at the top of the movement. Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the requirements are met. 

WOD #3:

2 min AMRAP x8 Rounds:

Round 1 - FF: AMRAP Clean & Jerk (S2OH) @95

Round 2: - MM: AMRAP Clean & Jerk (S2OH) @135

Round 3 - FF: AMRAP Clean & Jerk @105

Round 4 - MM: AMRAP Clean & Jerk @155

Round 5 - FF: AMRAP Clean & Jerk @125

Round 6 - MM: AMRAP Clean & Jerk @185

Round 7 - FF: AMRAP Clean & Jerk @155

Round 8 - MM: AMRAP Clean & Jerk @225

NOTES: Score Total Completed Reps. Athletes will divide into Female/Female pairs and Male/Male pairs. Female and Male pairs will trade off 2 min Work / 2 min Rest then change out weights for the next round during the rest period. One (1) completed rep equals Clean + Jerk (S2OH). If athletes clean the weight but fail the Jerk or S2OH, it will not count as a completed rep. Athletes will have the option to power clean or squat clean the weight and can complete the S2OH as a push press, push jerk, or split jerk. 

Clean & Jerk / Shoulder to Overhead: The barbell begins on the ground. No bouncing or dropping and catching the barbell on the rebound. Once dropped, the barbell must settle on the ground before the athlete begins the next repetition. Athletes will have the option of using a muscle clean, power clean, squat clean or split clean from the floor. There is no squat requirement. The rep is credited when the barbell is fully locked out overhead with the athlete’s arms, hips, and legs extended. The feet must be in line under the body, and the bar must be over the center of the athlete’s body when viewed from profile. A press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk are all permitted as long as the athlete reaches the required finish position. Note completing a power clean and going directly overhead into a jerk from the catch position of the clean (AKA “Prison Rules Clean & Jerk) will also be permitted. 


For Time, as a Team Relay: 

F1: 12 Cal Row

F2: 12 Cal Bike


M1: 15 Cal Row

M2: 15 Cal Bike

NOTES: Score Total Time. Teams will select one female to Row and one female to Bike as well as one male to row and one male to bike. The relay will follow the order shown beginning with Row>Bike for the ladies then Row>Bike for the men. Athletes will “hand off” to the next partner once the judge indicates their required number of calories are complete. The Rower damper will be set on a minimum of 5. A Tie Break score will be recorded once the female section is complete. 



Turkey Get Up
Turkey Get Up